Another Pilot Down: The Artwork of George Gonzalez

Friday, July 10, 2009

Life-Sized Portrait & The 7/9 Lies Sessions

Well, well.. my Intermediate Figure Drawing class has now come to a close. I was able to finish up my “life sized” self-portrait (pictured above), and I have to say I am really proud of it. While it does need a few touch-ups here and there, the response has been very positive. I tend to be (like I am sure most people), my harshest critic.

As you know, in my own mind, I feel I can never be good enough. However, when my fellow classmates tell me they really enjoyed it and have spoken so highly of my art, well.. it really makes me happy. (Thanks again LauraLee!) It’s hard for me to respond to positive critiques sometimes cause through my eyes I see all the mistakes, and hardly ever get to see anything that good in my art. But, alas, I appreciate all the kind words and I enjoyed the class and my classmates artworks very much. : )

However, now that I am done with school for the remaining of the Summer 1, (I am not taking any further classes for Summer 2) I will be embark creating new “original” artwork. I am now in possession of all my art supplies and I have until July 22nd before I go back to my hometown of Laredo to create some new artwork. It has been a long time since I have finished a “universe” drawing, and I think it’s time for something new. (The last drawing, “Sick” was done back in September 2008.)

But now is a good time to come back.. So this is my own test; whatever I create these next 12 days goes up. The last time I did this was last year, and it proved to be not only be a good exercise but I created some of my strongest material; (“Gasmask Poetry”, “Faith In God”, and “The Forgotten Trial of Jamie Leigh Jones)".

Welcome to The 7/9 Lies Sessions. Expect periodic updates here and “work-in-progress” photos through my Twitter account or Facebook & MySpace statuses. I have an artistic spark in me, and it needs to be unleashed! lol

It’s on!

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